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“你还有什么问题?”面试官这个灵魂拷问,究竟怎么答? How to Respond to "Do You Have Any Questions for Me?"

中国日报双语新闻 2020-11-30 09:12

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北方各地初雪都下了一阵了,应届生们关心的秋招也接近尾声。经历了重重面试的人大多都被问到过一个问题:“你对我们公司/这个岗位还有什么问题吗”( Do you have any questions for us? )多数人可能就说“暂时想不到 /没有了”。Reddit网友也发现基本没人反过来问招聘官问题。



Interviewers have often told me almost no one asks questions during interviews.面试官们经常跟我提到说面试时几乎没有面试者提问。


Remember, at a job interview, YOU are also interviewing the company.要记住,工作面试时,你同样也在面试这家公司。

An interview is a two-way street. The interviewer asks questions to learn about you, while you prepare questions to ask the interviewer about the position, the company and potential development within the company in order to make sure the position is a good fit for you.一场面试是一个双向的通道。面试官通过提问来更多地了解你,同时你也该准备问题,向面试官就职位、公司、潜在发展等等进行提问,以此来确定该职位是否适合你。


I'm currently working a dream job I'm barely qualified for. I'm pretty sure two questions I asked are what got me the job.我现在在做的这份梦想工作我自己都觉得我有点配不上。我很确定他们录用我是因为我问的那两个问题。


"Could you explain your daily operations and schedule?"“你能告诉我该职位的日常工作和安排吗?“


"Is there anything in my resume or any answer I've given that raises questions about my ability to perform this job that I can go ahead and address?"“我简历里面或者我刚刚的回答中有什么问题使得你们对我做这份工作的能力产生了怀疑吗?如果有,我想跟进解决下。”



A lot of an interviewer's task is listing out pros and cons very quickly for candidates. If you can take even two minutes to qualify your negatives, or even just acknowledge "Ah, I am aware that's a shortcoming of mine and I'm taking X/Y/Z steps to fix/address it", you basically erase them from the negatives list in that person's mind.大部分面试官要做的事情是很快地列出候选人的利弊。如果你能花两分钟的时间来给自己的短板打下圆场,哪怕就是大胆承认:“啊,我知道这是我的一个短板,我正在采取一二三点步骤来修正/解决它”,那么你基本上打消了别人对你能力的疑虑。



"Oh, for that gap in my resume I was actually doing a lot of freelance work, but I didn't know how to format that into my work history."“噢,说到那个空档,那段时间我其实是在做很多自由职业性质的工作,但是呢,我不知道怎么把它规范地写到简历的工作经历里”。


"There's no references listed for that company because it went bankrupt, sadly. If you'd like I can offer the phone number of my old manager, or show some old pay stubs from my time there to verify my employment."“查不到这家公司是因为,很遗憾,它倒闭了。如果你需要,我可以把我以前经理的电话给你,或者我也可以给你看那时候的工资条,以此证明我在那儿上过班。”

Something like that. Super easy, only takes about a minute, but you can wipe out a ton of negative speculation.就像上面那样。很简单的,虽然只花你一分钟,但是你可以打消人家对你的大量疑虑。



It's a bold move and I find it doesn't really pay off. It means they have to think of all your negative qualities when they might not have even clocked any, and then you're leaving the interview with that fresh on their mind.这个问题比较冒险,我发现这么问也不一定有用。因为可能面试官根本就没写下几条你的短板,但是这么一问意味着他们就得去想一下你是否有弱点。你离开面试地的时候,人家脑子里全是这个问题。

Maybe the only answer they could offer you on site was "Hmmm nothing comes to mind", but after you left, they would be looking for your negative qualities and you don't get to address them.当时,他们顶多会跟你说:“呃…暂时想不到”,但你走后,他们可能就会开始找你的短板,而且你也不会再有机会去处理了。



I took an interview at a non-profit. I had an inkling it was a fairly high-stress position, so I asked if there are company policies on encouraging employee sustainability and how the organization supported its staff.我去面试过一家非营利机构。此前就得知这个职位压力挺大的,所以我就问,公司是否有政策可以鼓励员工留下来,以及贵机构是如何践行员工关怀的。

The three people who were interviewing me looked at each other, and the Executive Director chortled and said, "we drink".面试我的那三个人面面相觑,随后主管大笑起来,说道:“我们喝酒啊。

It was immediately crossed off my list the moment I got up from the chair.刚从椅子上起身我就在心里把这家机构划掉了。


Ugh. I basically worked at a startup that was like this. They even had beer on tap, and I can remember a couple of engineers sneakily filling coffee mugs far too early in the morning and have a very vivid memory of my manager pouring a small bottle of hard liquor into his soda.啊。我也在一家作风类似的初创公司干过。他们甚至有桶装啤酒可以接。我记得一大早就有几个工程师偷偷用咖啡杯接啤酒喝,记忆犹新的事儿还有就是,我的经理有次往自个儿苏打水里加了一小瓶烈酒。

I quit shortly after.不久我就辞职了。



I will ask why they have a vacancy. If they bash the previous person, I'm probably less interested.我会问为啥有这个职位空缺。如果他们狠狠地数落之前那个人,那我就会对这家公司兴趣大减。


1. What is your biggest challenge, and would I be in a position to help you solve this problem?贵公司最大的挑战是什么?我的职位会帮到你们解决这个挑战吗?

2. Can you walk me through a typical day in the life of this role?您能给我梳理下这个职位一天通常的工作流是什么样的吗?

3. What have you enjoyed most about working here?您工作在这儿最喜欢的一点是什么?

4. Do you have any hesitations about my qualifications?您对我的资质经历有什么疑虑吗?

5. How will my success be measured in this role? What are the kinds of KPIs you have in place?我在该职位的成功如何衡量?目前你们有哪些关键绩效指标?

6. Do you offer continuing education and professional training?贵公司提供继续教育或者职业培训吗?

7. Can you tell me about the team I’ll be working with?您能谈谈我即将共事的团队吗?

8. When your staff comes to you with conflicts, how do you respond?当你的下属找来并跟你起冲突,你会如何回应?

9. What are some of the challenges that the predecessor faced in this role?这个职位之前那个员工所碰到过的挑战有哪些?

10. Is this a new position? If so, why was this created? If not, why did the last employee leave?这是一个新职位吗?如果是,为什么需要开设这个职位呢?如果不是,之前那名员工为什么离职?

11. I read X about (company name) in (media name). Can you tell me more about this? (This question shows you did your homework.)我在……看到过贵公司的……您能跟我详细讲讲吗?(这个问题能显示出你为面试做过准备)

12. What is the typical career path for someone in this role?该职位的通常职业路径是什么样的?

13. What are your expectations for this role during the first 30 days, 60 days, year?您对该职位在30天内,60天内,或1年内的表现有什么期望吗?

14. What is the next step in the process?招聘流程下一步怎么走?

If appropriate, try to weave these questions in as the interview is progressing. It demonstrates to the interviewer that you’re proactive and engaged in the process. Alternatively, wait until the end - but if the question has already been answered during the course of the interview, don’t ask it.如果合适的话,尽量把这些问题穿插在面试中。这样能够向面试官展示出一个主动积极参与的你。不然,就等到最后再问。不过如果某个问题之前已经解答过了,那就不要问了。

Don’t ask a question that can easily be answered by researching the company website, or on Google.不要问那种可以轻易地在公司官网或者谷歌上找到答案的问题。




qualify [ˈkwɒlɪfaɪ] v 使缓和:使减少刺耳或减轻stub [stʌb] n 存根;票根clock [klɒk] v 用机械设备登记或记录chortle [ˈtʃɔːrtl] v 开怀大笑;哈哈大笑;高兴地咯咯笑


编辑:李雪晴实习生:郭安琪来源:Reddit, Academy of Learning, Karlka Recruiting, Energy Resourcing, Robert Half, Business Insider





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